Diet and Exercise are two words that I believe should be eliminated from our vocabulary. (So is
should, but that's a topic for a different blog).
We spend our lives stressing about our weight and appearance. I admit it. I am intrigued by certain diets. I still may try to see what this Ketogenic diet is all about. I do think some people feel better if they eat a certain way, but I don't think that one way is the only way. We have become a society that strives to look like a starving supermodel. Don't get me wrong. I think some supermodels are the most beautiful people in the world, but sometimes they look emaciated and really sad and I can't help but wonder, "what did they actually eat today and did they enjoy the activity they had to do for that shoot?"
Over the last 50 years (pretty much my entire life!) we have gone through a ridiculous amount of fad diets and exercises. We spend a bazillion dollars on product that will make us look better and thus feel better about ourselves vs on how we actually feel on the inside. On a whole, we continue to have a rise in heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression and osteoporotic fractures.
I propose a change!'s not an original idea, I just finished reading
How to Make Disease Disappear, by Dr. Chattergee, but I absolutely resonate with the content. It's really causing me to examine my thoughts around food and movement.
What I would like to see is how we actually view food and movement. Both are incredibly important to our survival. Too much or too little of either have been linked to disease. The quality of both can contribute to good or poor health and inflammatory processes. To live a long and happy life, I believe we need to change our perception of both food and movement. Besides, the word diet itself implies a start and end time and I'm pretty sure we want to consider food (and movement) for our entire lives.
Instead, I would like to see a change in our view of food to be an amazing fuel source. We have so many quality foods that fuel to choose from. What would happen if we actually took our time to enjoy the fuel we need? If we put in high octane, super quality fuel and we mix it up so that we get all the different true nutrients that are available to us, our engine will run better. Our bodies need a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables especially those that are not treated with pesticides and are grown locally. It grows strong with quality sources of protein such as lean meats, fish (salmon and anchovies seem to have the best Omega 3's), nuts and nut butters. Our brains function better when we include good fats like avocados and olive oil. Add in a variety of spices and we can savor what we are eating and actually enjoy food again. Limiting processed foods and sugars will decrease our risk of rusting and rotting from the inside out.
"Taste the rainbow" with colorful and flavorful foods |
Taking our time to prepare a meal, sit and taste the food, share our day with our family puts more enjoyment in the process and may slow us down while we eat. This allows for a better digestive process and feeling full sooner which inevitably will decrease our overall consumption and lead to a healthier weight, blood pressure, blood sugars and cholesterol. **Note, this is not to imply that ALL these symptoms will go away. There are some other causes that we cannot control. I'm just suggesting we work to control what we can.
As I noted above, movement, not exercise is one other key to good health. I think people cringe at the idea of exercise. Not all of course. I actually enjoy working out in gym as do many of my peers and colleagues. But one hour a day in the gym doesn't correct what I do the other 23 hours a day. When i work with people, I try to give a home program that is more of a 'do thru the day' routine than an 'exercise' routine. This is because I believe you can achieve your goals by moving thru the day more than a 30 minute home program. There are so many ways to include movement in your day, it all depends on what you want to achieve. I think there are 3 components of quality movement: mobility, strength, and both intermittent, high intensity and a good, steady low intensity heart pumping.
Today I went for my first bike ride of the season. (This is where I always come up for ideas for blogs lol) As I pedaled along the lake, I took in the sights. I smelled the fresh air. I experienced the breeze on my skin. To me, that hour and a half of (mostly) steady, low intensity work, was not exercise. It was pure enjoyment.
Bike, kayak, there anything better? |
I do believe we need to get our heart rate up a few times per week, to keep the blood moving well. I know it's super important to lift up some heavy things a few times per week to prevent bone loss and fractures while keeping our posture upright. I absolutely understand that if we don't work on improving our 3 dimensional mobility, we set ourselves up for risk of falling and possible pain points. Including these 3 aspects of movement in our everyday lives will truly allow us to see the world from an upright and energetic way that we are meant to.
I also believe we can include movement without having to be at the gym. Why not play with your kids, or nieces and nephews, on the swing set? Or throw a football around? Or play tag? How about throwing on some fun and upbeat music and dance with your family while everyone helps to create a fun new meal? Take a walk and admire the flowers. Grab a float and kick around a pool. Strap on a pair of water or snow skis and rip it up. Get up and down from the floor a few times in a THAT will get your heart rate up, improve your mobility AND build some strength!
Picture from Google images-Pinterest |
The possibilities of good food and movement are endless. Find what you enjoy doing and eating. Take your time in the process and tune in to how you feel during and after. Perhaps you too will drop the words of diet and exercise from your vocabulary and just enjoy life again.
To learn more about Dr Chattergee's book, check
here. **Note, if you order from this site, I will receive money from Amazon.