Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sensory wake up

The last couple weeks have been a bit busy and stressful. On top of that I had a nasty head cold and then vertigo which doesn't seem to want to go away. I am truly blessed to be able to come to the lake and find some quiet to help return my calm.

Today I was determined to fully enjoy my walk around to the point and I was successful. I usually listen to music or podcasts on my walk. I always wear my sunglasses to shield my eyes. In the cold weather I bundle every thing up so as not to feel the cold on my face. Today I did non of the above and allowed my senses to really feel thru the walk. I returned feeling refreshed and relaxed. The stiffness in my back was gone. I only wish I had been able to do the walk barefoot so that my feet could have experienced some free sensation too. (I could have, but the mud and snow scared me off 😁

Being free from my ear buds and glasses really made the scenery pop too. I'm not sure I would have seen the random red trees or the mossy green thru the winter grey and snowy white. I especially loved seeing Heaven shining down as the skies started to change with the wind across my face.

There is something to be said to allowing ourselves to feel and experience life. If you're interested in learning more ways to open up your senses and really move better I recommend the book by Katy Bowman Move Your DNA. Better yet, buy it as a gift for someone you love and both of you can get moving together, while waking up all of your senses at the same time.